Jobs Schlumberger - February 2014

Jobs Schlumberger - February 2014 | Schlumberger The company was founded by two brothers who have found in oil and gas wells. After a time span long cukap business, Schlumberger continued to build the longest path by providing leading edge E & P form of technology to develop from the inside surface. This blog contains Jobs Indonesia - Lowongan BUMN dan Swasta.

  1. FE / PTE: S1 & S2 ONLY, all alumni of Engineering or last semester students
  2. Excellent academic results, with GPA min 3.00
  3. Young men and women, dynamic
  4. Good command of spoken and written English
  5. Adaptable, creative, hard working, independent, self-motivated
  6. Willing to work under pressure
Job closes on February 23, 2014. If you are interested, please apply online for
Selection test will be held on:
Day / Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Registration: 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(1st Test: Communication; 2nd Test: Aptitude; Test 3: Group Discussion)
Place: Pusat Studi jepang, Kampus UI Depok

Jobs PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk - February 2014